Population Health Analyses

Analyses and insights into the population profile of a Sustainability and Transformation Partnership in 2017

Sollis was commissioned by a Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) to provide analyses to help them better understand their population profile.

The objectives were to:

  • Describe the cost profile within the STP — where does the money go?
  • Help the STP better understand the morbidity burden across its geography
  • Determine how multimorbidity drives cost
  • Understand how frailty is distributed across the STP
  • Explore the relationship between frailty and multimorbidity
  • Show variation of need across the STP
  • Gain a greater understanding of how mortality risk is distributed across the STP
  • Show the overlap between different risk models

Our analyses used the population health management tools available in Sollis Clarity and the Johns Hopkins University Adjusted Clinical Groups® (ACG® System), including population segmentation, risk stratification and predictive modelling. The analyses have revealed some fascinating insights, which you can read about in the PDF available here.

 STP Population Health Overview cover

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