Improving Population Health – Seven Quick Wins

Over recent years a certain mythology has been built around Population Health Management (PHM).

Over time it – like many healthcare initiatives before it – has acquired a language of its own. At times it feels like only a Thesaurus can help navigate the lexicon of terms deployed.

It really is quite simple. It’s about improving patient outcomes and patient experiences.

By definition it’s about populations; but really it’s about the individual and how the health needs, wants and desires of those individuals are best served.

The people we meet working in Integrated Care Systems (ICS), Primary Care Networks (PCNs) and GP Practice understand this.

For many we engage with the question is simple; where do we start?

Working with our NHS clients and in collaboration with – Johns Hopkins Healthcare – we have developed this simple guide which describes seven quick wins to helping improve the health of local populations.

We hope this simple guide begins to help answer the question; where do we start?

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step[1].

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