Health Inequalities and Inequity: Using data to address issues of Parity of Esteem

It is easy to write on a subject about which you are passionate; but I take the view that we should be judged on actions not just words. Its fine to rage against the injustices of the world, but if you aren’t part of the solution then you may very well be part of the problem. Read More…

Seven Quick Wins – 7

In conjunction with our long term collaborators Johns Hopkins Healthcare, we have devised seven ‘quick wins’ for the delivery of population health analytics that supports Population Health Management strategies.

The seventh of these quick wins is….

#7 Address variation within groups with similar degrees of morbidity burden Read More…

Seven Quick Wins – 6

In conjunction with our long term collaborators Johns Hopkins Healthcare, we have devised seven ‘quick wins’ for the delivery of population health analytics that supports Population Health Management strategies.

The sixth of these quick wins is….

#6 Identify new opportunities using casemix-adjusted comparative analysis Read More…

Seven Quick Wins – 3

In conjunction with our long term collaborators Johns Hopkins Healthcare, we have devised seven ‘quick wins’ for the delivery of population health analytics that supports Population Health Management strategies.

The third of these seven ‘quick wins’ is….

#3 Focus on the very small number of patients with the highest number of GP visits Read More…