A Way Forward for Community Based Care

Primary Care Home

This is the second of two guest posts by Professor David Colin-Thomé. Part one: Primary Care Home The Primary Care Home (PCH) is a concept I first described some ten years ago. It is a population budgeted, community based provider organisation able to provide an alternative to current NHS hospital centricity. A home not only … Read more

Primary Care Home

Primary Care Home

A sustainable and transformed NHS is not possible without a sustainable general practice.
A confident general practice must be forcing the pace on necessary NHS culture change. The Primary Care Home is more than only being a care model, it offers a unique opportunity to ensure the foundation of NHS care will remain list-based primary care. Read More…

Easing Winter Pressures with Risk Stratification

elderly man on sofa

It’s that time of year again. The nights are drawing in and there’s a chill in the air. And we all know how cold winter weather exacerbates respiratory conditions and vascular diseases, putting more people at risk of emergency hospital admissions and piling the pressure on A&E departments. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma are two conditions that can worsen during winter, particularly for the elderly.

According to the NHS England white paper ‘Understanding Winter Pressures’, of all the people who present at A&E, those aged 75 and over have a greater than 80% chance of emergency admission. And it is those requiring emergency admission who spend the most time in A&E. Read More…

SUS data extraction in the new NHS

On April 1st 2013, Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) were shut down and the new Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and Commissioning Support Units (CSUs) started up. However, as CCGs and many CSUs no longer have direct access to SUS, they must get their data from Data Services for Commissioners Regional Offices (DSCRO) .

There are new rules in place regarding both SEM and PbR Mart extracts and some of our customers have encountered issues with the new system, mainly related to the structure and format of the data feeds. Read More…