Sollis appointed to Health Systems Support Framework

NHS logo

We are delighted to announce that Sollis has been successful in becoming an approved supplier on the Health Systems Support Framework (HSSF) and is thus now a system partner who can provide support to deliver integrated care. We are one of the few SMEs on the framework. Read More…

Population Health Management — Empowering the Change Makers

empowering change

At its simplest level Population Health Management (PHM) is a system that uses data and analytics to evaluate and improve the health of the population. The ultimate aim is the improvement of both clinical and financial outcomes. Data and analytics are vital enablers of any successful Population Health Management (PHM) programme, however ultimately it is people that make the change. In this opinion piece I outline what I believe are some of the key steps in driving forward a successful Population Health Management strategy. Read More…

Navigating the Choppy Seas of GDPR Compliance

GDPR voyage

If you run a GP practice, or any organisation that processes NHS patient data, you’ll know the joy of gearing up for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation, which became law from 25th May.

As a small business whose main concern is supplying software and services — specifically to analyse patient data — to NHS organisations, we have always been diligent about demonstrating our compliance with data protection laws and information governance requirements. It means our customers are confident that we’re trustworthy and compliant processors of NHS data. Read More…

National data opt-out programme

Exit Sign

Friday 25th May 2018 is a momentous day for data protection with the introduction of GDPR. But with your inbox flooded with updated data privacy statements, you may have missed that NHS Digital is launching its national data opt-out programme on the same day, to give patients more control over their data.

This will offer patients and the public the opportunity to make an informed choice about whether they wish their confidential patient information to be used just for their individual care and treatment or also for research and planning purposes. Read More…

Why population segmentation is key to the delivery of high quality, tailored patient centred care

population segmentation

Everyone today is talking about population health management (PHM) and at the heart of any credible approach to PHM is the concept of population segmentation. This is an analytics activity in which Sollis and our partners are very active at the moment. One of those partners is the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) with whom we have a ten year collaboration, the result of which is the most mature implementation of the Johns Hopkins ACG® System here in the UK. Read More…

Geek Heresy

Geek Heresy cracked technology

For various reasons I’ve had a lot of time to read recently, and I’ve just been given a book by an old friend. It’s called Geek Heresy: Rescuing Social Change from the Cult of Technology by Kentaro Toyama. And despite being a little long-winded, I think it’s worth reading.
The main argument of the book is that technological solutions to social problems don’t work, or at least not on their own. There are no quick technological fixes. Read More…

Using Multiple Lenses: From Black Holes to Patient Activation

Multiple Lenses - black holes to patient activation

In the realm of physics and astronomy research, combining data from multiple lenses has led to new discoveries about the universe. The same principle can be applied to patient data. When considering impactibility or patient activation, for example, a multiplicity of perspectives can lead to many new insights, crucial to successfully defining interventions to support specific groups. Making appropriate use of demographic, diagnostic, calculated, social, environmental and other perspectives, it becomes possible to meaningfully segment a local population and define appropriate interventions. Read More…