Reducing Health Inequalities

Equity vs Equality

Among their many ‘must do’ tasks, STPs need to challenge health inequity. There are three things STPs need to address and find answers to: reducing health inequalities, improving quality and access, and achieving both within the financial envelope that has been set.

Population health methodologies and the analytical tools required to get the job done must consider the impact of multi-morbidity. Luckily they do not need to be invented. They are already with us. Read More…

Population Health and Risk Stratification — Time to get Serious

In October this year NHS Clinical Commissioners published a document called Local Solutions to National Challenges. It is worth a read, not least because it re-states the raison d’être of Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs).

This is important because in the document there is an acceptance that the Five Year Forward View (5YFV) is a game changer and that transformation is not an option. Unsurprisingly the not so hidden sub-text is that Clinical Commissioning Groups are key agents of that change. Read More…

New Care Models – The Answers Are Out There

doctor and patient

With the election put to bed and with a five years of stability now guaranteed (ahem…) NHS England have free rein to push forward on implementation of The Five Year Forward View (FYFV). Indeed the word on the street is that the pace of change is likely to become faster and more radical. This is … Read more

Imitate the Action of the Tiger


The Wikipedia entry for ‘Vanguard’ states that it has a number of functions, including “… seeking out the enemy and securing ground in advance of the main force.” I’m not entirely sure this is what Simon Stevens and NHS England had in mind, but when you consider the current challenges faced by the NHS, military … Read more

The bright(er) side of life?

Last week I attended a half day conference organised by the always excellent Health Service Journal (HSJ). The opening presentations from four HSJ journalists offered insights into the key issues – as they saw them – currently facing the NHS. Topics included finance, commissioning, integration and the general state of the acute sector. At the … Read more

Horses for Courses

When Simon Stevens wrote in the Five Year Forward View that ‘England is too diverse for a “one size fits all” care model to apply everywhere’ he was absolutely correct. Different local communities will have different needs and priorities, which will require different solutions. Some of these will require the re-imagining of local organisations and … Read more

Five Years

As a student of politics in the early 1980’s I had occasion to study the workings of the Soviet Union, and as such became familiar with the term Five Year Plan. If memory serves me there were thirteen Five Year Plans in total. The final one in 1990 ran for just one year when the Soviet Union dissolved. It is to be hoped that the Simon Stevens version will make it beyond 2015. Frankly it has to, because the stakes couldn’t be higher. Read More…