Population Health Management Involves More Than Just the Data, But…

elderly community

If you are pursuing a PHM strategy it is essential that you run the numbers as a matter of routine and that your deployment of analytics — people and tools — is forensic in nature. Furthermore, you then need to acquire an intimate understanding of the meaning of those numbers. It is not the data per se that adds value, but the insights that are derived from that data. Sollis’s work in this field has to date centred on the identification of relevant populations around which PHM programmes can be targeted. This means population segmentation or the stratification of populations into sub groups that require particular services at specific intervals.
Working with our healthcare clients, which include Vanguards and Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs), we have invested a huge amount of time running the numbers. When we do so some fascinating insights emerge. Read More…

Primary Care: Home or Haven?

Primary Care Home or Haven

Primary care transformation has rightly been the focus of attention in many — if not all — of the Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs). It is also writ large in Next steps on the NHS Five Year Forward View. Wherever you look, primary care providers are on the march. Read More…