Population Segmentation for Population Health Management


Questions of scale and scope in population segmentation. Macro-, meso- and micro-level population segmentation explained. This is an extract from a forthcoming Sollis white paper called Population Segmentation — An introduction to methods for identifying and supporting multiple diverse patient groups.

There is no simple numerical answer to the question of how large a population segment should be. Clearly, a cohort containing only one or two individuals might feel ill-defined and inappropriate as the target for a specific innovation or care programme; equally, a very large segment, covering most of the overall population, could be imprecise for many purposes, and not really actionable, while including significant variation. Read More…

Improving the nation’s health: No place for anecdote and fairy tales

Prevention is better than cure

On Monday last week, the Department of Health & Social Care published, ‘Prevention is better than cure – Our vision to help you live well for longer’.

Few would argue that prevention is a bad thing and the themes discussed in the paper are entirely consistent with current health policy which stresses the importance of integrated care, built around the implementation of Population Health Management (PHM) strategies.

Yet despite the paper being published on 5th November, for me at least the sky above refused to colour and sparkle. There was little to celebrate here that was genuinely new and excessive claims are made for the game changing capability of new technology and personal responsibility. Read More…

Population Health Management — Empowering the Change Makers

empowering change

At its simplest level Population Health Management (PHM) is a system that uses data and analytics to evaluate and improve the health of the population. The ultimate aim is the improvement of both clinical and financial outcomes. Data and analytics are vital enablers of any successful Population Health Management (PHM) programme, however ultimately it is people that make the change. In this opinion piece I outline what I believe are some of the key steps in driving forward a successful Population Health Management strategy. Read More…

Why population segmentation is key to the delivery of high quality, tailored patient centred care

population segmentation

Everyone today is talking about population health management (PHM) and at the heart of any credible approach to PHM is the concept of population segmentation. This is an analytics activity in which Sollis and our partners are very active at the moment. One of those partners is the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) with whom we have a ten year collaboration, the result of which is the most mature implementation of the Johns Hopkins ACG® System here in the UK. Read More…

Want to radically transform health services? Start by understanding your population.

population segmentation

At the recent EHI Live 2017 conference and exhibition in Birmingham an entire conference stream was dedicated to a discussion on Population Health Management (PHM). Strolling amongst the vendors in the exhibition hall it seemed everyone had a story to tell.

It would appear that PHM is a ‘movement’ whose day may have come. PHM strategies are of course closely allied to the concept and practice of Accountable Care Systems. There is a lot hanging currently on Accountable Care Systems. For many policy ‘wonks’ there is no Plan B. Read More…